Biddeford Ready! Rolls Out 'You Are a Superhero' Campaign

Tips Help Address ACEs and Support Healthy Development of Young Children

Biddeford Ready!, a network of over 30 community partners who work together to ensure all children in Biddeford enter Kindergarten ready to thrive, introduced "You Are a Superhero" campaign. The campaign aims to harness the power of our kids’ superheroes–families, caregivers, early care providers and other community members–to give our kids a strong start and lead longer, healthier lives. 

“This campaign recognizes the powerful influence of our kids’ first superheroes and reinforces the importance of their interactions in building resilience and preparing our kids for school and life-long success," said Nicole Rea, Network Coordinator for Biddeford Ready! “Campaign materials offer supportive messages, practical tips and strategies for positive parenting, coaching and teaching to help grow the next generation of resilient, healthy superheroes.”

Research shows that with the right kind of support and care, we can mitigate the impact of ACEs, or Adverse Childhood Experiences, like physical and emotional abuse, neglect, caregiver mental illness, household violence, homelessness and the stress associated with the pandemic. According to Rea, there are many ways families, caregivers, early care providers and other community members can support developing a healthy stress response. The campaign brings these practical tips to the forefront for those interacting with children. 

The campaign rollout begins with messages to parents in September to coincide with the back-to-school season. Subsequent campaigns with tips to different audiences will follow–in October for community members and in November for early educators. Flyers, posters, and social media will help get the word out. 

Flyer with tips for parents

About Biddeford Ready! 

Biddeford Ready! is a network of over 30 community partners working together and united in the mission to provide the family and community support and resources children need from birth to age five to enter kindergarten ready to reach their full potential. United Way of Southern Maine provides organizational support to Biddeford Ready!. Learn more at


Biddeford WinterFest


Family Fun: “Breakfastival”8/20, 9am to 12pm